Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The start of it all

My son, Jonas, will be turning 3 next month. I never got hit with the reality of his leaving baby-hood harder than I have with this coming birthday. The first birthday didn't bother me, the second one didn't phase me but this one is a doozie. I'm finally getting it. HE'S GROWING UP! He's becoming a little man and needing me less and less. I look back on pictures and wonder where the time has gone. When I see a picture of him when he was 18 months old, I actually catch myself thinking, "Wow, I don't remember what those days were like at all!". I'm not a scrapbooker, I don't keep a journal and I haven't been as steadfast with the baby books as I would have liked. I am, however, one hell of a picture taker. I rely on those to take me back to the memories we were creating when I took those pictures. I am now realizing that that method is failing me. Now that Jonas is well into toddler-hood, I'm thinking that these are the days that I want to remember the most. The pictures are great because seriously, he's adorable. But the things that come out of this child's mouth are the things that I want to hold on to. I can't be humble about it - my kid is hilarious. I know most people think that about their kids but he's really funny. Like, ironically funny. The kind of funny that I admire in people and I'm so incredibly proud of that trait in my child. So with this blog, I hope to share and describe the things that come out of his mouth. I want to look back on this when he's a 16 year old jerk and remember the good days. Off we go.

Jonas is big in pretending and using his imagination these days which is something I LOVE about him. One day, he was pretending to get in his "car".

Me: Jonas where are you going?

Jonas: I'm going to work

Me: Oh but I miss you so much when you leave!

Jonas: Sweetheart, I not have time for this.

That's an example of the kinds of things he says that just floor me. I have to hold on to this stuff and dammit, I will! Because he's growing up. Fast.

I'm going to try to stay true to my sentimental side and stick with this because it's so worth it.

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